House has become too cluttered to sell

You start repairs with the goal of netting more income, and by the end, have lost more money than gained due to on-going costs (taxes, utilities, insurance). Selling a hoarder house ‘as-is’ is a solution to resolve the problem and also a great option for homeowners strapped for time and cash to transform the house. We offer quick closing and buying “as is”. If you’re considering selling a hoarder’s house in Canberra that needs work– give us a call?

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Hoarding means the incessant habit of stacking items at the home without discarding them once they become unnecessary since hoarders place peculiar value on all sorts of possessions that they do not really need. When such items pile up overtime, they pose a threat to homeowners and those in the neighborhood. Commonly hoarded items are food, photographs, clothes, newspapers, cardboard boxes, paper and plastic bags and magazines.

Hoarders are anxious about discarding items, indecisive about which items to keep or throw away, embarrassed about their possessions, and suspicious that others are trying to touch their property. Obsessive thoughts on how they might need certain items in future and difficulty in organizing possessions are common. Since not much is known about the causes of hoarding, there is no sure way to prevent it from taking root and complicating selling the property. Hoarder houses are hazardous since they are a threat to homeowners and neighboring communities because incidents of fires may quickly spread and harm fellow homeowners.

The dangers are even more heightened to resident in the hoarder house – as there will be blocks of exits, cluttered spaces which are a threat of vermin and bacteria that may cause an assortment of illnesses.

Selling a hoarder house

There are several considerations when it comes to selling a hoarder house. Home repairs typically include things like fixing the roof, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems, as well as re-modeled like paint, cabinets, and flooring. Time is of the essence when one contemplates getting repairs done and renovation project may be a distraction. But, without adequate time and attention, renovations can go off the rails